
New Novella!

Has anyone listened to John Grant's new album yet - 'Grey Tickles, Black Pressure'? I'm listening to it right now, it's so damn good. John Grant is amazing. Now, onto business! I've just finished uploading my newest novella to Kindle, first since The Boy back in May....


I've had a new story published today, it's over at Horror Sleaze Trash, an awesome Australian website ran by a fella called Ben John Smith. It's my third time being published at HST, it's one of my favourite websites and Ben is always really enthusiastic in his...


A few weeks ago all the shows I was watching seemed to end almost simultaneously (well, within a few weeks of each other). I've been somewhat bereft since then. However! Fear The Walking Dead started the other week. I love zombie shit, always have, ever since I first...

Power cut

Power cut in Hadston tonight. I needed to write. No laptop? I'm not afraid of ink and paper. Get out the scented candles, I'm gonna kick this old school. I felt like Charles Dickens writing by candlelight. Ain't nothing gonna hold me back. I thought of Black Coffee...


Well it's been a few months now since I released The Boy out into the world, wrapping up the very loose trilogy that began with The Motel Whore and was continued in The Vampire. I'm currently working on something new, so,etching set entirely outside the continuity of...


I've just finished watching Nightcrawler, the movie with Jake Gylenhaal. Wow. I'd heard a lot of good things but what a great fuckin movie. It was fantastic, and it was proof positive that a character doesn't have to be 'likeable' for a story to be good. It was very...


I'm getting really bad at this. I'm still here! I haven't forgotten about you, blog! I know I need to update, so here I am! Still working hard in terms of stories. I might slack on the blog but I'm pretty reliable when it comes to fiction. Fiction takes precedence,...

All Comers

I've got a new short story up today over at the Flash Fiction Offensive. It's called 'All Comers'. The titles not supposed to be rude, but I'm beginning to wonder if it maybe sounds it. Here's a link: Im...

True Detective

this song. This song right here. It's been stuck in my head. I had to come in out of the sunshine to listen to it. Anyway, True Detective season 2. I loved season one, it was my TV highlight of last year and I've since waited...

Radio Silence

I realised that, with it being July now (whuuuuuuuuut??) I made only one blog post during the month of June. That's pretty poor going. I did keep busy, I've written every day so far this year and I finished something up which is (first draft) over 50,000 words, so...