Has anyone listened to John Grant’s new album yet – ‘Grey Tickles, Black Pressure’? I’m listening to it right now, it’s so damn good. John Grant is amazing.
Now, onto business!
I’ve just finished uploading my newest novella to Kindle, first since The Boy back in May. It’s not live yet, I’ll be back with a link when it is.
It’s entitled ‘The Mess’, and whereas ‘The Motel Whore’, ‘The Vampire’, and ‘The Boy’ were all part of a very loose trilogy set in an unnamed American town, this is a standalone story and is set in the north-east of England. Like I say, I’ll give more details once it’s available for purchase, which will probably be sometime tomorrow.
However, uploading ‘The Mess’ makes today a triple-whammy Friday for me – I’ve had two short stories published in print. With it being in print I can’t guarantee they’re actually available, but today was the release date that I was told. ‘Sexy’ will appear in issue nine of Handjob zine (my second time there), and ‘Wor Jackie’ will be in issue fifteen of Open Pen. Here are the links to their respective sites:
And, if things go according to plan, I should be releasing ANOTHER novella next week! Again, it will be standalone. It’s going to be something very dark, and very different. My goal for 2015 was to publish 6 novellas. I’m on track to accomplish that, the sixth is written and I’ll be getting to work on editing it etc once number five has been published. Then it’s on to 2016, and a whole new set of goals!