I’m getting really bad at this. I’m still here! I haven’t forgotten about you, blog! I know I need to update, so here I am! Still working hard in terms of stories. I might slack on the blog but I’m pretty reliable when it comes to fiction....
I’ve got a new short story up today over at the Flash Fiction Offensive. It’s called ‘All Comers’. The titles not supposed to be rude, but I’m beginning to wonder if it maybe sounds it. Here’s a link:...
this song. This song right here. It’s been stuck in my head. I had to come in out of the sunshine to listen to it. Anyway, True Detective season 2. I loved season one, it was my TV highlight of last year and I’ve since waited impatiently for season 2....
I realised that, with it being July now (whuuuuuuuuut??) I made only one blog post during the month of June. That’s pretty poor going. I did keep busy, I’ve written every day so far this year and I finished something up which is (first draft) over 50,000...