Heads up!

The Motel Whore is on a free run for a few days, ends Sunday, here’s a link: And just a reminder that The Boy is also now finally at long last worth the wait and all the editing available too!...

Comic Books

Since I finished The Incal last week I’ve gotten back into reading comic books in a big way. I’ve got quite a big pile of them to read, I’ve been building them up for a while but been trying to work my way through the to-read pile of novels...

The Boy

Ahoy! There’s a girl I work with always uses that as a greeting, I felt like doing it myself. It sounds particularly jubilant, and I am in an especially jubilant mood – The Boy is available for purchase! Here’s the cover art: Once again it was...


I’ve had a new story published today at Spelk fiction, my second time there: http://spelkfiction.com Check it out, it’s a great site, and my story The Dancing Girl is there too. Initiation came to me one morning as I drove to work listening to Raekwon the...


Just an update to the Child 44 post the other day – Vasili isn’t played by Vincent Cassell in the movie, he’s played by Joel Kinnaman. Which makes me think Cassell is playing the leader of the militia where Leo has been demoted to in the book,...