Child 44

Last week I had to take my partner to her college in Ashington so she could hand in some work or get some work signed or something. It’s not the first time I’ve had to do so, but I don’t mind because I take a book with me. I went last week with The...

Harry Crews

That’s my collection of Harry Crews so far, and I’m very pleased with it. His work is pretty hard to come by, and it ain’t cheap. I think he’s mostly out of print these days. The Gospel Singer especially I’m pleased with as it took a very...

The Boy Progress

So, to begin, I am ill as fuck. It’s May and I have a cold. I hate having cold. There’s nothing I want more than to just go to bed, but I made a promise that I would write every day, not just for this year but for the foreseeable future, and that this week...

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth I was listening to Gza’s Liquid Swords on my way to and from work today. I always forget how much I enjoy the early Wu Tang solo albums. They bring back a lot of memories for me as Wu Tang Clan was my entry point into...


I can’t remember how I first came to know of Alejandro Jodorowsky, but I know that the first of his films I saw was The Holy Mountain. It left quite a mark – I’d never seen anything like it before. It’s a drug-free trip. I got a tattoo of it on...