I spent yesterday finishing off the follow-up to The Motel Whore, The Vampire, and spent last night uploading it to Amazon Kindle. Exciting stuff! Anyway, here’s the cover: Again, it’s designed by Ben Shanks. Looks pretty snappy, fits the same style...
That’s a picture of my to-read pile. It gets bigger and bigger, no matter how many books I get through. I keep telling myself to stop adding to it, and then I keep ignoring the little voice that says that. Plus, I work in a bookshop which makes things difficult,...
Thats my hand, hard at work on something for the future, unconnected to The Motel Whore and the loose trilogy it’s part of, something set in the UK. At the same time I’m still at work on The Motel Whore’s follow up, but I do that on the laptop. I do...
When I write something of novella/novel length I like to give it a soundtrack in my head. I think a lot of writers probably do this – the first I read of it was Andre Duza with Jesus Freaks. At the end of his book he listed the songs he would use to soundtrack...