
by | Jun 6, 2017 | Uncategorized

Back on the first of May, my newest book was released via All Due Respect, Fatboy! It’s available in print and for Kindle, but here’s a couple of images of the physical copy:

Ain’t they purdy? The cover was designed by Eric Beetner, and he’s done a HELL of a job.

I wrote the first draft of Fatboy roughly two years ago – I wrote it over sixteen late nights whilst listening to the Ministry live album ‘In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up’. I got that first draft DOWN – and then I just kind of sat on it. I moved on to other things, worked on them, time passed. I never forgot about Fatboy, I don’t forget about anything I’ve worked on. They tap away at the back of my head like impatient children, demanding I return to them at some point, show them some affection, but like I said time gets away and before you know it two years have passed and suddenly the American-set tale of a Hispanic barkeep hassled by a fat white businessman seems shockingly relevant.

So I set down to finally proof-read Fatboy. They always say you should leave your work, let it age like fine wine, return to it with fresh eyes.

Boy did it suck.

Well, not entirely, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this post right now. I made a note in my book after I’d finished reading it – ‘Dialogue = good, Exposition = shit’. I wasn’t ready to give up on it. I saw enough worth, enough promise, that I was sticking with it. Editing is my least favourite part of writing – though I recognise it as being the most necessary – I prefer to move from project to project, that’s how I feel as though I’m making progress, when I’m getting ideas and words down and getting the stories done. I’m also very aware that unless these things are getting published I’m not making any progress at all.

I stuck with it. I rewrote it over the course of another couple of weeks. I kept my note to self in mind and took the George V Higgins approach: this thing is driven by its DIALOGUE. It shows the characters for who they are, it reveals their motives, it’s the perfect way to show and not tell. When I finished it this time round, I didn’t sit on it for another two years. I read it over and over, tweaked it, got it right, I sent it to All Due Respect and the rest, as they say, is history.

Here it is, in all its glory, available to the whole entire world at just the push of a button! The reviews have been good thus far, which is vindicating. Next time I check in, maybe I’ll share some of those reviews, but hell, the Amazon link is right below, go ahead and check them out for yourself!

Also, one last thing, in other news An Eye For An Eye is also available in paperback, which means all of my works can be owned physically! If you feel like checking that out too, you’ll find it easy enough at the link below, just click on the link on my name and it’ll take you straight to my author page!
