So, to start I’ll get this out the way: my goal for 2015 was to self-publish six novellas, and as of today I’ve hit that goal. ‘Three’ is now available for Kindle from Amazon for the super low price of 0.99, here’s a link:
If you’ve been keeping up, you’ll know it’s gonna be dark, it’s gonna be bloody, and it ain’t for everyone. But hell, if brutal and unflinching and unapologetic is your kind of thing, then it’s right for you, so click the link and give yourself a late Christmas present!
Okay. 2015. I don’t make resolutions, I don’t think I ever have. Going into this past year I had the goal to tackle it head-on in terms of writing, and I’m pleased with what I’ve accomplished. The prior mentioned six novellas, and fourteen short stories that have appeared either online or in print, as well as numerous contributions to the music magazine R2. I wrote every single day, too, the first year I’ve ever done that.
Going into 2016, again I’m not planning on making any resolutions. Right now my only plan is to take 2016 by the throat, and squeeze real fucking hard.
Good luck to taking your own new year in hand, only a couple of hours to go. I hope goals were accomplished in 2015 and it didn’t feel like a waste, let’s not waste 2016.